Dharmic Vs Mono-theistic religion : A logical comparison # 9
9) Exit from cycle of suffering
Mono-theistic religions ridicule the idea of re-incarnation or rebirth. I have already said in one of my posts that proving the existence of God or the idea of re-incarnation is impossible. I have also why re-incarnation is more logical that one unequal birth. Mono-theistic religions argue that they can provide a faster path to heaven in one life whereas the dharmic religions talk about an endless cycle of birth and death.
This is not true. Firstly heaven is a place and is not premanent. Exit from cycle of birth, suffering and death (samsara) is NOT ONLY when one has earned enough positive karma though that is one way but a very long way to get to Nirvana. Both Buddha and Krishna have reiterated that exit from the cycle of samsara is possible right now and in the present moment. The knowledge to overcome the illusion and delusion is enough to burn all the negative karma that has been accumulated over countless births and lead one to nirvana / moksha. This has been stated in Bhagavad Gita as well as Buddha's sutras. For some, the complete understanding of the first noble truth stated by Buddha is enough for enlightenment! For others following the noble eight fold path or following one of the yogas stated by Krishna is prescribed to reach the ultimate goal.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Dharmic Vs Monotheistic religion : A logical comparison # 8
Dharmic Vs Mono-theistic religion : A logical comparison # 8
8) Conflicts / Agreements with science
Mono-theistic religions have always had and continue to have disagreements with science because they try to impose their views about creation, evolution, age of the earth and its location in the universe.
Dharmic look inwards and not outwards. So they do not have conflicts with science. They try to incorporate the new findings into their teachings. Also here are a few examples to show that ancient hindus and buddhists got it right.
1) Age of the Earth: There is a story about a monk asking Buddha about the duration of a kalpa which is a measure of time the ancient hindus used. Buddha told the monk that there is really no use for him to think about this but he went on to explain as follows. "There is a mountain that is 7 km high and has a 7km radius at the bottom. A man comes along every 100 years and tries to ware away the mountain using a silk cloth. (may be works on it for a day) It will take a kalpa to wear away the entire mountain." From this example it looks like he is talking millions or billions of years!
2) Sun at the center of the solar system: Even today if you will find the "Nava Graha" (9 planets) idols in Indian temples with "Surya" (Sun) is placed at the center. No more explanation required.
3) Evolution : The avatars or incarnations of hindu God Vishnu or Krishna are said to appear whenever there is a decline in Dharma and it needs to be supported. The avatars are
1) Matsya(Fish), 2) Kurma(tortoise/turtle) 3) Varaha (boar) 4) Narasimha (half man-half lion) 5) Vamana (short man) 6) Parasurama(hunting man?) 7) Rama (refined man) 8) Krishna (intelligent, fun loving naughty, enlightened) 9) Buddha (shows path of enlightenment and end of suffering to modern world) 10) Kalki (yet to come!)
It looks like the concept of evolution is considered here because we see life forms originating in the sea and slowly evolving to become more and more intelligent!
8) Conflicts / Agreements with science
Mono-theistic religions have always had and continue to have disagreements with science because they try to impose their views about creation, evolution, age of the earth and its location in the universe.
Dharmic look inwards and not outwards. So they do not have conflicts with science. They try to incorporate the new findings into their teachings. Also here are a few examples to show that ancient hindus and buddhists got it right.
1) Age of the Earth: There is a story about a monk asking Buddha about the duration of a kalpa which is a measure of time the ancient hindus used. Buddha told the monk that there is really no use for him to think about this but he went on to explain as follows. "There is a mountain that is 7 km high and has a 7km radius at the bottom. A man comes along every 100 years and tries to ware away the mountain using a silk cloth. (may be works on it for a day) It will take a kalpa to wear away the entire mountain." From this example it looks like he is talking millions or billions of years!
2) Sun at the center of the solar system: Even today if you will find the "Nava Graha" (9 planets) idols in Indian temples with "Surya" (Sun) is placed at the center. No more explanation required.
3) Evolution : The avatars or incarnations of hindu God Vishnu or Krishna are said to appear whenever there is a decline in Dharma and it needs to be supported. The avatars are
1) Matsya(Fish), 2) Kurma(tortoise/turtle) 3) Varaha (boar) 4) Narasimha (half man-half lion) 5) Vamana (short man) 6) Parasurama(hunting man?) 7) Rama (refined man) 8) Krishna (intelligent, fun loving naughty, enlightened) 9) Buddha (shows path of enlightenment and end of suffering to modern world) 10) Kalki (yet to come!)
It looks like the concept of evolution is considered here because we see life forms originating in the sea and slowly evolving to become more and more intelligent!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Dharmic Vs Monotheistic religion : A logical comparison # 7
Dharmic Vs Mono-theistic religion : A logical comparison # 7
7) One chance and Inequality
Mono-theistic religions talk about only one life everyone lives. And depending on if you have surrendered yourself and accepted a particular God you go to heaven to enjoy for eternity. Else you go to hell for eternity!
If it is this way
1) why did God make it easy for some to achieve heaven (born into the "right" religion, born into a rich family or a religious family)
2) why do some have to suffer a lot (born into poverty, bad parents, "wrong" religion!)
3) If the above mentioned people are judged in the same way, it is not like giving a PhD level mathematics test to a kindergarten student?
4) If you are born into the wrong religion, does this mean that God showered less grace on you compared to others? If it is true, then why?
5) If there is only one life, everyone should have been equipped the same way to face judgement.
6) Even if one fails a driving test, they will be given one more chance. Why does God give only one life and one chance.
Dharmic religions give not one chance but many chances or lives to progress towards the goal of Nirvana or Moksha. It is up to the individual soul or consciousness to take the fast path and end the suffering of samsara (the cycle of life and death) and enter Nirvana. The inequalities are explained in the form of past accumulated karma baggage. Some are born into rich families, well educated religious families if their past good karma allowed them. Also the soul gets what it aspires (to be born into a mono-theistic religion or as an atheist could be some of the aspirations). The individual soul or consciousness chooses a particular re-birth to work on improving certain aspect of its personality (for example becoming more generous). A soul could also fall in the animal kingdom if its past karma is not good but will eventually be born as a human again after the bad karma is exhausted by suffering an animals life. So every consciousness is brought under the umbrella of the LAW or Dharma.
7) One chance and Inequality
Mono-theistic religions talk about only one life everyone lives. And depending on if you have surrendered yourself and accepted a particular God you go to heaven to enjoy for eternity. Else you go to hell for eternity!
If it is this way
1) why did God make it easy for some to achieve heaven (born into the "right" religion, born into a rich family or a religious family)
2) why do some have to suffer a lot (born into poverty, bad parents, "wrong" religion!)
3) If the above mentioned people are judged in the same way, it is not like giving a PhD level mathematics test to a kindergarten student?
4) If you are born into the wrong religion, does this mean that God showered less grace on you compared to others? If it is true, then why?
5) If there is only one life, everyone should have been equipped the same way to face judgement.
6) Even if one fails a driving test, they will be given one more chance. Why does God give only one life and one chance.
Dharmic religions give not one chance but many chances or lives to progress towards the goal of Nirvana or Moksha. It is up to the individual soul or consciousness to take the fast path and end the suffering of samsara (the cycle of life and death) and enter Nirvana. The inequalities are explained in the form of past accumulated karma baggage. Some are born into rich families, well educated religious families if their past good karma allowed them. Also the soul gets what it aspires (to be born into a mono-theistic religion or as an atheist could be some of the aspirations). The individual soul or consciousness chooses a particular re-birth to work on improving certain aspect of its personality (for example becoming more generous). A soul could also fall in the animal kingdom if its past karma is not good but will eventually be born as a human again after the bad karma is exhausted by suffering an animals life. So every consciousness is brought under the umbrella of the LAW or Dharma.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Dharmic Vs Monotheistic religion : A logical comparison # 6
Dharmic Vs Mono-theistic religion : A logical comparison # 6
6) Concept of God
Mono-theistic religion has a concept of a partial God who takes care of only those who believe in him and expects everyone to surrender to him. I say him because God in mono-theistic religions has a gender and is male. He has a plan and is constantly engaged in conflict with the bad guy (satan or shaitan).
1) But looks like he is not powerful enough to eliminate Satan or Shaitan completely!
2) nor powerful enough to have prevented his own creation to be born into other religions. If that God is the cause of creation and all knowing and all powerful, why would he allow other religions and all the ugly karma that happens everywhere?
3) By ensuring only one religion he could have saved the suffering of his own followers trying to convert others!
Dharmic religions are governed by the "LAW" or Dharma. The law is logical and does not discriminate any religion, sex or belief etc. It has the concept of karma points either positive or negative that determines the state of a particular soul or consciousness. And free will of that individual soul or consciousness determines its own state. Also Dharma or law does not have conflict with any bad guy. It is the soul or consciousness that constantly fights with the 6 enemy elements that have been discussed earlier.
Buddhism has no concept of God and does not place importance in trying to find out if there is a God or not. It gives importance only to end the suffering of an individual consciousness. Hinduism and other dharmic religions have concept of Brahman or a God but the God described there has the characteristics of the "LAW" and not that of a person. More of a neutral God, not partial and does not expect all beings to surrender to IT.
The other aspect you could see in Dharmic religions is the divine or Brahman manifesting itself in different forms (avatars) in different ages when the society forgets Dharma. It is like the enlightened beings (bodhisattvas) coming back again to help others reach enlightenment. Some of the gods in Hinduism are the ones that have been integrated from old religions and tribal religions that have been around. Even in Hinduism where you see many gods, you can rarely see clinging to God.
One more interesting thing you see in Hinduism is the inclusion of new Gods. For example the great sufi/hindu saint Sai Baba of Shirdi is worshipped as a God and his teachings have inspired many Hindus. So most of the Gods might have come this way!
6) Concept of God
Mono-theistic religion has a concept of a partial God who takes care of only those who believe in him and expects everyone to surrender to him. I say him because God in mono-theistic religions has a gender and is male. He has a plan and is constantly engaged in conflict with the bad guy (satan or shaitan).
1) But looks like he is not powerful enough to eliminate Satan or Shaitan completely!
2) nor powerful enough to have prevented his own creation to be born into other religions. If that God is the cause of creation and all knowing and all powerful, why would he allow other religions and all the ugly karma that happens everywhere?
3) By ensuring only one religion he could have saved the suffering of his own followers trying to convert others!
Dharmic religions are governed by the "LAW" or Dharma. The law is logical and does not discriminate any religion, sex or belief etc. It has the concept of karma points either positive or negative that determines the state of a particular soul or consciousness. And free will of that individual soul or consciousness determines its own state. Also Dharma or law does not have conflict with any bad guy. It is the soul or consciousness that constantly fights with the 6 enemy elements that have been discussed earlier.
Buddhism has no concept of God and does not place importance in trying to find out if there is a God or not. It gives importance only to end the suffering of an individual consciousness. Hinduism and other dharmic religions have concept of Brahman or a God but the God described there has the characteristics of the "LAW" and not that of a person. More of a neutral God, not partial and does not expect all beings to surrender to IT.
The other aspect you could see in Dharmic religions is the divine or Brahman manifesting itself in different forms (avatars) in different ages when the society forgets Dharma. It is like the enlightened beings (bodhisattvas) coming back again to help others reach enlightenment. Some of the gods in Hinduism are the ones that have been integrated from old religions and tribal religions that have been around. Even in Hinduism where you see many gods, you can rarely see clinging to God.
One more interesting thing you see in Hinduism is the inclusion of new Gods. For example the great sufi/hindu saint Sai Baba of Shirdi is worshipped as a God and his teachings have inspired many Hindus. So most of the Gods might have come this way!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Dharmic Vs Monotheistic religion : A logical comparison #5
Dharmic Vs Mono-theistic religion : A logical comparison #5
5) Coverage! for unconverted ancestors, animals and people born before prophets!
For example you converted to follow a mono-theistic religion. You might be saved and go to their heaven after your death. But what happens to your ancestors who were either atheists or followed an other religion. They would have gone to hell right? Is it OK with you to go and enjoy heaven while the parents or grandparents who lovingly brought you up have gone to hell to suffer? Mono-theistic religions only cover those who have converted in their lifetimes. Also animals have no way to get to heaven because they cannot understand anything to convert :-)
What happens to all the people who were born before the religions were born? For example the romans, the egyptians, the greeks, aztecs, ancient indians, chinese. Mono-theistic religions cannot explain the above.
Dharmic religions have universal coverage. Every life form has found itself in that state due to the karma of the consciousness that owns the particular body. Depending on one's karma and what one aspires, they will be born to such circumstances. (Mind it, only if their good karma allows it). For example, if a consciousness has a very bad karma baggage it will find itself in the body of an animal to be slaughtered for food though it aspires something else! A particular consciousness or soul could take up many bodies and follow different religions to satisfy its desires and aspirations. But it is always on the path towards the final goal. Some may need thousands of life times to reach the goal (nirvana or moksha) while some might need very few.
Secondly for those people who were born before the current Buddha or Krishna, they had other avatars / previous Buddhas who could have helped them to to get to nirvana!
5) Coverage! for unconverted ancestors, animals and people born before prophets!
For example you converted to follow a mono-theistic religion. You might be saved and go to their heaven after your death. But what happens to your ancestors who were either atheists or followed an other religion. They would have gone to hell right? Is it OK with you to go and enjoy heaven while the parents or grandparents who lovingly brought you up have gone to hell to suffer? Mono-theistic religions only cover those who have converted in their lifetimes. Also animals have no way to get to heaven because they cannot understand anything to convert :-)
What happens to all the people who were born before the religions were born? For example the romans, the egyptians, the greeks, aztecs, ancient indians, chinese. Mono-theistic religions cannot explain the above.
Dharmic religions have universal coverage. Every life form has found itself in that state due to the karma of the consciousness that owns the particular body. Depending on one's karma and what one aspires, they will be born to such circumstances. (Mind it, only if their good karma allows it). For example, if a consciousness has a very bad karma baggage it will find itself in the body of an animal to be slaughtered for food though it aspires something else! A particular consciousness or soul could take up many bodies and follow different religions to satisfy its desires and aspirations. But it is always on the path towards the final goal. Some may need thousands of life times to reach the goal (nirvana or moksha) while some might need very few.
Secondly for those people who were born before the current Buddha or Krishna, they had other avatars / previous Buddhas who could have helped them to to get to nirvana!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Dharmic Vs Monotheistic religion : A logical comparison #4
Dharmic Vs Mono-theistic religion : A logical comparison #4
4) The Bad guys
Mono-theistic religions have a personified concept of evil or the bad guy. Called satan or shaitan etc. Some times it is unfortunate to see that any philosophy or thought that does not agree with the native thought of the religion is pushed over to the evil or satan side. ( Many thoughts are associated with evil or satan though they may be very neutral thoughts that do not create any harm to the society or any individual. They might be just different opinions.)
Dharmic religions look inside oneself for the evil. Hinduism for example has the "Ari-shad-Varga" literally six enemy elements. They are 1) Kama (Bad Desire) 2) Krodha (Anger) 3) Lobha (Miserliness) 4) Moha (Delusion) 5) Mada (Pride, Arrogance) & 6) Matsarya (Envy, Jealousy). All these have to be defeated completely to achieve Nirvana. I think even if one can reduce the influence of these six enemies to some extent, that person can live more peacefully. Sometimes they are personified as Maya or Mara but this personification is within oneself and not an external entity. This concept can be seen in the Buddha's complete defeat of Mara before enlightenment.
4) The Bad guys
Mono-theistic religions have a personified concept of evil or the bad guy. Called satan or shaitan etc. Some times it is unfortunate to see that any philosophy or thought that does not agree with the native thought of the religion is pushed over to the evil or satan side. ( Many thoughts are associated with evil or satan though they may be very neutral thoughts that do not create any harm to the society or any individual. They might be just different opinions.)
Dharmic religions look inside oneself for the evil. Hinduism for example has the "Ari-shad-Varga" literally six enemy elements. They are 1) Kama (Bad Desire) 2) Krodha (Anger) 3) Lobha (Miserliness) 4) Moha (Delusion) 5) Mada (Pride, Arrogance) & 6) Matsarya (Envy, Jealousy). All these have to be defeated completely to achieve Nirvana. I think even if one can reduce the influence of these six enemies to some extent, that person can live more peacefully. Sometimes they are personified as Maya or Mara but this personification is within oneself and not an external entity. This concept can be seen in the Buddha's complete defeat of Mara before enlightenment.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Dharmic Vs Monotheistic religion : A logical comparison #3
Dharmic Vs Mono-theistic religion : A logical comparison
3) My way or the highway
Mono-theistic religions have the "my way or the highway" attitude. It is difficult for any religion either to prove the existence of God or the existence of re-incarnation/re-birth. Religion is not science. It is only a belief. It is quite illogical for some religions to claim that their God, book etc are the ultimate authority. Earth is a small speckle of dust in the entire universe that we are part of. How can one claim that a belief that originated in a tiny strip of land on the Mediterranean or in a desert is the ultimate truth. There is no proof and there can never be one unless their God appears to the entire humanity and makes a claim (like in a prime time conference!).
Dharmic religions on the other hand do not make any claims of authenticity. They have the "try it and see if it works for you" attitude. Here is one of Buddha's quotes. "Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it."
Dharmic religions preach un-conditioning from any conditioned state/tradition to escape the clutches of illusion and ignorance and achieve nirvana/moksha.
3) My way or the highway
Mono-theistic religions have the "my way or the highway" attitude. It is difficult for any religion either to prove the existence of God or the existence of re-incarnation/re-birth. Religion is not science. It is only a belief. It is quite illogical for some religions to claim that their God, book etc are the ultimate authority. Earth is a small speckle of dust in the entire universe that we are part of. How can one claim that a belief that originated in a tiny strip of land on the Mediterranean or in a desert is the ultimate truth. There is no proof and there can never be one unless their God appears to the entire humanity and makes a claim (like in a prime time conference!).
Dharmic religions on the other hand do not make any claims of authenticity. They have the "try it and see if it works for you" attitude. Here is one of Buddha's quotes. "Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it."
Dharmic religions preach un-conditioning from any conditioned state/tradition to escape the clutches of illusion and ignorance and achieve nirvana/moksha.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Dharmic Vs Monotheistic religion : A logical comparison #2
Dharmic Vs Mono-theistic religion : A logical comparison #2
2) Ultimate Goal/Destination
Mono-theistic religions have one goal called heaven or the preferred place. Only those who believe in their God have entry into it. Every one else (even other mono-theistic friends !) have to go to hell for eternity irrespective of how they lived. Who knows our mono-theistic friends might find themselves in each other's hells ! BTW even those who make it to heaven will be placed unequally depending on how strong their faith or belief is.
The goal of Dharmic religions is ultimate peace or bliss (nirvana or moksha). Fortunately this state (not place) is open to followers of other beliefs too. And progress towards this can be achieved by living many lives (may be following different faiths). One who attains Nirvana or Moksha is one with it. There is no inequality or different levels in it. As a word of caution, dharmic religions also talk about heaven or hell but they are not ultimate goals nor they are permanent. Every thing or place is impermanent except for Nirvana or Moksha. Also a God or gods do not bestow this on anyone. They only help you to get there by their teachings. eg. Buddha's eight fold path.
2) Ultimate Goal/Destination
Mono-theistic religions have one goal called heaven or the preferred place. Only those who believe in their God have entry into it. Every one else (even other mono-theistic friends !) have to go to hell for eternity irrespective of how they lived. Who knows our mono-theistic friends might find themselves in each other's hells ! BTW even those who make it to heaven will be placed unequally depending on how strong their faith or belief is.
The goal of Dharmic religions is ultimate peace or bliss (nirvana or moksha). Fortunately this state (not place) is open to followers of other beliefs too. And progress towards this can be achieved by living many lives (may be following different faiths). One who attains Nirvana or Moksha is one with it. There is no inequality or different levels in it. As a word of caution, dharmic religions also talk about heaven or hell but they are not ultimate goals nor they are permanent. Every thing or place is impermanent except for Nirvana or Moksha. Also a God or gods do not bestow this on anyone. They only help you to get there by their teachings. eg. Buddha's eight fold path.
Dharmic Vs Monotheistic religion : A logical comparison #1
I think there are 5 types of religions
1) mono-theistic (God clinging)
2) dharmic with God concept
3) dharmic without God concept
4) tribal religions
5) atheism (though it is not one!)
Dharmic Vs Mono-theistic : A logical comparison #1
1) Deed (Karma) Vs Belief, Faith
Mono-theistic religion does not recognize other paths. One has to believe in a particular God and a particular prophet figure and a particular book etc. Others who do not believe the above are literally bad, unholy infidels irrespective of their deeds and behavior. So belief or faith is very essential and there is conflict with others who do not believe in the same.
Dharmic religion is deed based. Belief and faith are not very important. Ones merit or demerit is based on what one does (karma) and how he behaves in the society rather than what one believes. Also dharmic religions recognize other paths as various paths to get to the same preferred destination. So conflict does not exist with other beliefs.
1) mono-theistic (God clinging)
2) dharmic with God concept
3) dharmic without God concept
4) tribal religions
5) atheism (though it is not one!)
Dharmic Vs Mono-theistic : A logical comparison #1
1) Deed (Karma) Vs Belief, Faith
Mono-theistic religion does not recognize other paths. One has to believe in a particular God and a particular prophet figure and a particular book etc. Others who do not believe the above are literally bad, unholy infidels irrespective of their deeds and behavior. So belief or faith is very essential and there is conflict with others who do not believe in the same.
Dharmic religion is deed based. Belief and faith are not very important. Ones merit or demerit is based on what one does (karma) and how he behaves in the society rather than what one believes. Also dharmic religions recognize other paths as various paths to get to the same preferred destination. So conflict does not exist with other beliefs.
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