Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dharmic Vs Monotheistic religion : A logical comparison #1

I think there are 5 types of religions
1) mono-theistic (God clinging)
2) dharmic with God concept
3) dharmic without God concept
4) tribal religions
5) atheism (though it is not one!)

Dharmic Vs Mono-theistic : A logical comparison #1

1) Deed (Karma) Vs Belief, Faith

Mono-theistic religion does not recognize other paths. One has to believe in a particular God and a particular prophet figure and a particular book etc. Others who do not believe the above are literally bad, unholy infidels irrespective of their deeds and behavior. So belief or faith is very essential and there is conflict with others who do not believe in the same.

Dharmic religion is deed based. Belief and faith are not very important. Ones merit or demerit is based on what one does (karma) and how he behaves in the society rather than what one believes. Also dharmic religions recognize other paths as various paths to get to the same preferred destination. So conflict does not exist with other beliefs.

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