Thursday, July 16, 2009

Dharmic Vs Monotheistic religion : A logical comparison #4

Dharmic Vs Mono-theistic religion : A logical comparison #4

4) The Bad guys

Mono-theistic religions have a personified concept of evil or the bad guy. Called satan or shaitan etc. Some times it is unfortunate to see that any philosophy or thought that does not agree with the native thought of the religion is pushed over to the evil or satan side. ( Many thoughts are associated with evil or satan though they may be very neutral thoughts that do not create any harm to the society or any individual. They might be just different opinions.)

Dharmic religions look inside oneself for the evil. Hinduism for example has the "Ari-shad-Varga" literally six enemy elements. They are 1) Kama (Bad Desire) 2) Krodha (Anger) 3) Lobha (Miserliness) 4) Moha (Delusion) 5) Mada (Pride, Arrogance) & 6) Matsarya (Envy, Jealousy). All these have to be defeated completely to achieve Nirvana. I think even if one can reduce the influence of these six enemies to some extent, that person can live more peacefully. Sometimes they are personified as Maya or Mara but this personification is within oneself and not an external entity. This concept can be seen in the Buddha's complete defeat of Mara before enlightenment.

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