Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dharmic Vs Monotheistic religion : A logical comparison #2

Dharmic Vs Mono-theistic religion : A logical comparison #2

2) Ultimate Goal/Destination
Mono-theistic religions have one goal called heaven or the preferred place. Only those who believe in their God have entry into it. Every one else (even other mono-theistic friends !) have to go to hell for eternity irrespective of how they lived. Who knows our mono-theistic friends might find themselves in each other's hells ! BTW even those who make it to heaven will be placed unequally depending on how strong their faith or belief is.

The goal of Dharmic religions is ultimate peace or bliss (nirvana or moksha). Fortunately this state (not place) is open to followers of other beliefs too. And progress towards this can be achieved by living many lives (may be following different faiths). One who attains Nirvana or Moksha is one with it. There is no inequality or different levels in it. As a word of caution, dharmic religions also talk about heaven or hell but they are not ultimate goals nor they are permanent. Every thing or place is impermanent except for Nirvana or Moksha. Also a God or gods do not bestow this on anyone. They only help you to get there by their teachings. eg. Buddha's eight fold path.

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